Enhancing Fee Clarity in Banking: Building Trust Through Transparency



Lack of transparency in banking fees can weaken customer trust, leading to doubts about the legitimacy of charges and negatively impacting user experience.

Case Study

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) imposes international fees on cross-border transactions and foreign currency exchanges. However, these fees often lack clear explanations in account statements and transaction records, making it difficult for customers to trace the origin of charges. This lack of transparency raises concerns about fairness and erodes trust.

In contrast, Revolut has set a benchmark for fee transparency by displaying all applicable charges in real time within its app. This includes detailed breakdowns of foreign exchange fees, international transaction charges, and other associated costs. By providing real-time pricing details and cost estimates, Revolut eliminates uncertainty, empowers users to make informed financial decisions, and enhances the overall banking experience.


To address transparency issues and enhance customer satisfaction, CBA can adopt several strategies inspired by Revolut:

  • Real-time Fee Display: Integrate a real-time fee display feature within its mobile banking app, allowing users to receive instant notifications and a detailed breakdown of all applicable fees before completing a transaction.
  • Clear Transaction Mapping: Ensure that all international fees are explicitly linked to specific transactions in account statements, helping customers track the origin and purpose of each charge.
  • Fee Estimation Tool: Introduce a cost estimation tool within the app that predicts potential charges before initiating a transaction, improving transparency and decision-making.
  • Enhanced Communication: Provide in-depth FAQs, in-app explanations, and educational materials that clearly outline when and why certain fees apply.
  • Customizable Fee Plans: Offer subscription-based models with reduced fees for frequent international transactions, giving customers more cost-effective options.

By implementing these measures, CBA can improve fee transparency, enhance customer experience, and strengthen long-term trust and loyalty.


CBA’s current approach to international transaction fees lacks transparency, causing confusion and dissatisfaction among customers. By introducing real-time fee displays, clear transaction mapping, and upfront cost breakdowns, CBA can significantly improve customer trust and satisfaction. Strengthening fee transparency will reinforce its reputation as a customer-centric financial institution and enhance long-term customer retention.